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Take a look at my offerings below, and contact me to book your FREE consultation! I offer online training to anyone, anywhere, or in-person services to folks in Eugene, Oregon. We can also design a custom training program built and priced specifically for your needs.


Personal Training is insanely valuable, but it doesn't have to be insanely expensive. Fitness coaching improves your overall health and quality of life in awesome ways that I want everyone to experience! I understand that 1-1 fitness sessions aren't in everyone's budget though, so if you're looking for ways to make fitness more affordable, here are some ideas.

Group Fitness Training in Eugene, Oregon:

If you're able to get your friends or family members interested in joining you, it can be a big savings (and a lot of fun) to train with more than one person at a time! 

One person, per session:  $ 60 - 75
Groups of 2, per session:  $90  ($45 each person)
Groups of 3, per session:  $105  ($35 each person)

Accountability & Self-Directed Training:

I offer a monthly program where I send custom-designed workouts to you 5 days per week, and you complete them on your own time.
I will call and/or text you each day to check in and see how your body is feeling, and to see if any of the workouts need to be altered to fit your needs better!

This is a great option for those on a budget, or those with scheduling challenges. You can also do this from anywhere in the world, I have lots of clients who travel for work. We can get creative depending on the equipment you have available! Plans starting at $150 - $200 /month.


Still have questions?

Contact me below!


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